8-Yr-Old Cheerleader Bravely Performs Solo When Teammates Ditch Competition — And Wins!

Peyton Thorby is only 8 years old, but this cheerleader proves to already be a star when she performs alone. The talented kid is a member of the K-Tech Krakens, and they were set to compete in the Showcase for Champions Cheerleading Competition in Tampa, Florida.

Peyton had been looking forward to this day for so long, but when she and her mom arrived, they were met with devastating news. Her coaches were there, but she was the only member to show up.

This left little Peyton with two options: She could quit or she could compete as a team of one. According to her mom, Peyton had a bit of a meltdown over this news — as any child would. Once she collected herself, though, she made the brave decision to perform alone… without a solo routine planned.

Brave Cheerleader Performs Alone and the Crowd Goes Wild!

“I was shaking a lot, and I got, like, the tummy bugs a little bit,” Peyton shares. “I never have them, but I’m shaking.” Despite her nerves, Peyton managed to put together an incredible solo routine. In fact, this talented cheerleader even earned herself first place! Needless to say, she’s very happy with her decision to take a chance!

“We’re all proud of her, telling her how well she did,” mom says. “Because we were proud of the fact that she decided to do it solo, but the fact that they gave her the first place trophy, where she had earned it, that was all a surprise. We had no idea.”

Since pulling off this incredible accomplishment, Peyton has entered the spotlight, even getting her team on The Jennifer Hudson Show!

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